Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.

  1. HOME
  2. Sustainability
  3. Social
  4. Involvement with Local Communities

Involvement with Local Communities

In Japan and the world, we strive to be community members with a spirit of thoughtfulness and compassion.

Toyoda Gosei’s social contribution activities have been focused in four areas: Social welfare, environmental protection, youth development and community crime prevention.
In recent years we have added disaster recovery support.
We are expanding these activities to all our locations in the world, volunteering together with community members.
All Toyoda Gosei employees aim to help develop vital communities with a spirit of thoughtfulness and compassion.

Volunteer Logo
Volunteer Logo
This mark consists of four hearts, representing “you,” “me,” “the community” and “society,” joined together as a four-leaf clover. We use it in our volunteer activities to encourage unity among the participants.
  • Disaster recovery support activities
  • Worldwide social contribution activities
  • Activities led by individual business locations
Volunteer Support System

■Education on Social Contribution

We implement Education on Social Contribution, in which new employeesand others engage in volunteer activities and cultivate a considerate attitude.

Sports events and craft workshops where new employees interact with people with disabilities

■Volunteer Award System

This system aims to boost employee motivation and widen the circle of volunteers.