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  3. Toyoda Gosei Invests in Yuurea, Inc., a Startup Developing Urine Test Kits for Easy Checks of Physical Condition

March 25, 2024

Toyoda Gosei Invests in Yuurea, Inc., a Startup Developing Urine Test Kits for Easy Checks of Physical Condition

JP Ver.

Kiyosu, Japan, March 25, 2024: Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd., as one part of its efforts to develop new businesses that will help to resolve societal challenges in the healthcare field, has invested* in Yuurea, Inc., a company that develops test kits which will allow people to monitor their physical condition simply, using urine samples.

Yuurea aims to spread services that will lead to improved health habits by combining urine test kits with a smartphone app. Yuurea’s app is used to photograph urine test strips and instantly analyze nutritional status and more with the company’s original image processing technology. This provides useful data that will help people to maintain and improve their health.

Toyoda Gosei is committed to collaborating with other companies and developing products in the field of preventive medicine as a way to help society deal with the challenges brought on by increased longevity. The company will continue to cultivate business in the healthcare field by encouraging the spread of products and services related to preventive medicine, including among its own employees and those of its business partners.

* Investment made in March 2024, through Toyoda Gosei’s Corporate Venture Capital Dept., an internal organization dedicated to these investments.

Outline of Yuurea, Inc.

Name Yuurea, Inc.
Location Meieki Daiya Meitetsu Building 11F,
1-1-17 Meieki, Nishi-ku, Nagoya, Japan
President Shogo Mizuno
Established April 2021
Capital JPY 34.1 million (as of March6, 2024)

Test kit developed by Yuurea, Inc.

Test kit developed by Yuurea, Inc.

Physical condition can be instantly analyzed by
using the app to take and process images of
different types of test paper that detect nutrients
