2. Sustainability
  3. Environment
  4. Third-Party Assessment

Third-Party Assessment

The Toyoda Gosei Group has gained consistent recognition for its Group-wide environmental activities. The Group will increase its activities for further improvement based on these assessments.


FY2022 Received the highest rating in the CDP’s Supplier Engagement Assessment for the fourth consecutive year Recognized on the Leaderboard for our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

For the fourth year in a row, Toyoda Gosei was recognized by the international environmental non-profit organization CDP*1 on its Leaderboard, the highest rating in its Supplier Engagement Assessment, a survey of companies.

The survey looks at a company’s approach to climate change in four areas: governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions and collaboration with suppliers. Toyoda Gosei’s rating was is in the top 8%, placing us on the Leaderboard. We were particularly commended for our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions through cooperation with suppliers, disclosure of information on Scope 3 emissions and climate change action.

  • Climate change B
  • Water security B
  • *1 A non-profit organization (NPO) based in the UK that seeks information disclosure on the kinds of efforts major corporations and cities in the world are making for climate change, water management, and other environmental factors, and conducts surveys and evaluations. Surveys are conducted with the endorsement of institutional investors. It is one of the ratings agencies most trusted by investors.

Received the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Commissioner’s Award in the Energy Conservation Grand Prize

Toyoda Gosei received the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Commissioner’s Award in the Best Practices category of the FY2021 Energy Conservation Grand Prize (sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan).

We are strengthening our environmental measures*2 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition to reducing energy use by elimination of energy waste in factories, innovations in production technology such as downsizing facilities, and introduction of energy-saving equipment, we are expanding the use of renewable energy, such as by installing solar power generation equipment. These changes and efforts to raise employee awareness through in-house lectures and other means resulted in a 22% reduction in energy consumption in FY2020 compared to FY2015. These various activities have been highly regarded.

  • *2 The TG 2050 Environmental Challenge sets out Toyoda Gosei’s long-term environmental targets, one of which is zero CO2 emissions by 2050. “Targets 50 & 50,” a milestone toward achieving this goal, calls for a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 (compared to FY2013). As a key initiative toward achieving this goal, we have set a target of 50% utilization of electricity derived from renewable energy sources.

On the right is Kazuhiko Nagao, Deputy Chief of the Carbon Neutrality and Environment Promotion Division On the right is Kazuhiko Nagao, Deputy Chief of the Carbon Neutrality and Environment Promotion Division

Received the Biodiversity Award at the Good Life Awards

Toyoda Gosei received the 10th Anniversary Special Award, the “Biodiversity Award,” at the FY2022 Good Life Awards sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. This award is intended to introduce activities and initiatives implemented throughout Japan that lead to “a lifestyle that is good for the environment and society.” The award commend outstanding organizations and individuals, and encourages their activities with the aim of realizing an environmentally friendly society. Our efforts to realize biodiversity, based on our “30 by 30 Roadmap”*3 and including woodland maintenance, plant afforestation, biotope creation, and environmental conservation of Fujimae Tidal Flat, were cited for this award.

  • *3 30 by 30 is a global initiative that seeks to effectively conserve at least 30% of land and sea as healthy ecosystems by 2030, with the goal of halting loss and restoring biodiversity by 2030 (Nature Positive).

Front row, 7th from left is Kazuhiko Nagao, Deputy Chief of the Carbon Neutrality and Environment Promotion Division Front row, 7th from left is Kazuhiko Nagao, Deputy Chief of the Carbon Neutrality and Environment Promotion Division

Recognized as an Aichi Biodiversity Certified Company

Toyoda Gosei was recognized as a Certified Company under the Aichi Biodiversity Certified Company System for FY2022.

This is a system initiated in 2022 by Aichi Prefecture to certify companies that are implementing outstanding initiatives to facilitate corporate efforts to conserve biodiversity.

We were recognized for our native species conservation activities and surveys of living creatures at the Heiwacho Plant biotope, as well as our participation in the Fujimae Tideland Cleanup Operation.

On the right is Kazuhiko Nagao, Deputy Chief of the Carbon Neutrality and Environment Promotion Division On the right is Kazuhiko Nagao, Deputy Chief of the Carbon Neutrality and Environment Promotion Division