To Individual Investors
- Investor Relations
- To Individual Investors
- To Potential Investors
To Potential Investors
Wouldn’t You Like to Become a Toyoda Gosei Shareholder?
Stable, Continuous Payment of Dividends
Based on our shareholder return policy, we aim to stably and continuously increase dividends to all of our shareholders.
Shareholder Return Policy
Steady and continuous dividend increases (DOE 2.5% as a lower limit target)
Flexible acquisition of treasury shares
Long-term stable TSR above cost of equity
Dividends per share 【Unit:¥】
Click here for details about Dividend Information
Established as an Occasion for Direct Dialog with Management
To achieve constructive dialog with all shareholders and investors, the General Shareholders’ Meeting and other opportunities for dialog are set up. We try to reflect the opinions of shareholders and investors that we obtain through these occasions in the company management.
Toyoda Gosei has Earned a Reputation as a Stable Company from Outside Parties
Toyoda Gosei’s efforts have been recognized by various institutions, and the company has been selected as a constituent in a number of indices. Toyoda Gosei’s efforts for sustainability have also been highly regarded both domestically and internationally.
Major indices where Toyoda Gosei has been selected as a constituent stock(As of October 1, 2024)
Nikkei Index 400
FTSE Blossom
Japan Sector Relative Index
FTSE4Good Index Series
Carbon Efficient Index
FTSE Blossom
Japan Index
External Recognition of sustainability(As of October 1 2024)
Nikkei SDGs
Management Survey 2023
Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
(White 500)
CDPClimate Change 2023 Score: A-
Supplier Engagement 2023 Score: A
Water Security 2023 Score: A-
Sports Yell
Company 2024+
Ministry of the Environment 30by30
Heiwacho plant biotope certified as a site for coexistence with nature
Outstanding Cancer
Prevention Company
Click here for details about Third-Party Assessment
Your Thoughts Will Lead to Social Contributions
Through business activities in our core businesses and more, Toyoda Gosei aims to contribute to society in ways that will help bring about a safe and environmentally-friendly society. By becoming a Toyoda Gosei shareholder, your thoughts will help contribute to a better society.
How to Become a Shareholder
(1) Open an Account with a Stock Brokerage
First, you will need to open an account with a stock brokerage.
For details on how to open an account, please consult your nearest stock brokerage or a stock brokerage that trades over the Internet.
Please be aware that Toyoda Gosei cannot accept stock purchases or perform the necessary procedures.
(2) Purchase Shares
The amount needed to purchase shares should be deposited into your stock brokerage account, and shares purchased through the stock brokerage. Toyoda Gosei shares are sold on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Nagoya Stock Exchange (securities code: 7282).
Toyoda Gosei stock is sold in units of 100 shares, and so the minimum purchase price is 100 times the current stock price. A commission will also need to be paid to the stock brokerage. Please use your own discretion in purchasing Toyoda Gosei stock.
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Materials including briefing sessions for private investors are posted.