May 16, 2022
Toyoda Gosei Formulates Group Human Rights Policy
Kiyosu, Japan, May 16, 2022: Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. has formulated the “Toyoda Gosei Group Human Rights Policy,” based on the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.* Toyoda Gosei will use this human rights policy to promote operations with respect for rights of all and to contribute to sustainable societies in the countries and regions related to its business.
“Respect for the Individual” has long been one of the pillars of Toyoda Gosei’s management philosophy, serving as a cornerstone for integrity in its business operations. The company has previously established behavioral guidelines related to human rights and the diversity of individuals in the Toyoda Gosei Group Charter for Business Ethics, and in this and other ways has striven to create healthy, pleasant, and safe workplaces.
The newly formulated policy is the highest level human rights policy in the Toyoda Gosei Group. To continue as a company of integrity, Toyoda Gosei will always comply strictly with relevant laws and regulations in the countries and regions related to its business activities. It is alsocommitted, as a good corporate citizen, to addressing issues associated with human rights, and to conducting activities with respect for the basic human rights of all stakeholders.
*Global standards adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council with the aim of protecting people exposed to risk of serious harm from company activities.
Chapters in the Toyoda Gosei Group Human Rights Policy
(1) Commitment
(2) Scope
(3) Human rights due diligence
(4) Remediation
(5) Training
(6) Monitoring and information disclosure
(7) Dialogue and Discussion