November 09, 2023
Toyoda Gosei Holds “TG Global Summit”
Kiyosu, Japan, November 9, 2023: Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. held the “5th TG Global Summit” over four days starting on November 6, with approximately 130 top managers from 49 Group companies in 14 countries and regions.
These summits have been held since 2013 as a place for participants to share information on the business situation and issues in their respective countries, and foster solidarity.
This year, with the appointment of a new company president in June 2023 and the establishment of a medium- to long-term business plan (2030 Business Plan) in August, the focus was on strategies and issues that need to be implemented to achieve the new business objectives. A roundtable discussion was also held on topics including business strategies for each overseas region and the development of production technology globally. Participants also viewed automated processes and safety efforts at key plants in Japan, for a first-hand look at Japanese manufacturing.
Toyoda Gosei aims to respond flexibly and rapidly to the greatly changing business environment to achieve sustainable growth into the future.
Summary of TG Global Summit 2023
November 6–9, 2023 (four days)
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.’s Sun Court and Toyoda Gosei Memorial Gymnasium (Aichi, Japan); other sites
Approximately 130 people (Toyoda Gosei and Group company management class)
2030 Business Plan strategies and working items (business strategy, regional strategies, manufacturing, functional strategies and other topics)
2030 Business Plan strategies and working items (business strategy, regional strategies, manufacturing, functional strategies and other topics)
Keynote speech by President Saito