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  3. Toyoda Gosei Invests in Pi Photonics, a Startup Developing LED Lighting for Industrial Use

December 20, 2024

Toyoda Gosei Invests in Pi Photonics, a Startup Developing LED Lighting for Industrial Use

JP Ver.

Kiyosu, Japan, December 20, 2024: Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. has invested* in Pi Photonics, Inc., which develops and sells LED lighting equipment for industrial use that can project light patterns with high visibility.

Pi Photonics’ LED lights, which form light patterns, differ from general light sources in which the edge of the light becomes indistinct when projected at a distance. Using high-brightness LEDs and originally designed optical elements, patterns such as straight lines or rings can be displayed distinctly. These lights can be used in safety displays, such as in manufacturing sites to visualize restricted areas or fall zones of loads during crane work, as well as in stage lighting and more. They are also introducing these lights outside Japan.

Toyoda Gosei will use Pi Photonics’ technology in its plants globally and overseas, such as when using cranes to move dies for product molding. The company also aims to create safer workplaces through collaborative explorations to expand the applications of Pi Photonics’ products.

* Investment made in December 2024, through Toyoda Gosei’s Corporate Venture Capital Dept., an internal organization dedicated to these investments.

Outline of Pi Photonics

Name Pi Photonics, Inc.
Location 673 Tennocho, Chuo Ward,
Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka, Japan
President Takahiro Ikeda
(Representative Director)
Founded October 2006
Capital JPY 88.4 million
(as of November 30, 2024)

LED lighting developed by Pi Photonics
(Usage example: Visualization of crane fall zone)

LED lighting developed by Pi Photonics

Pi Photonics’ lighting equipment combines high-
brightness LEDs and originally-designed special lenses,
and can clearly display various shapes, including
straight lines, rings, and arrows, to target distant sites.
